CCaaS vs Amazon Connect

Setting the Table

Premise-based contact center solutions are going the way of the dinosaur — extinct. With that comes the rise of Contact Center as a Service. There are a variety of suppliers in this space with a range of features, functionality, user experience and cost. During my journeys of consulting with mid-market and enterprise organizations, I’m often asked to compare moder CCaaS solutions and Amazon Connect. As a disclaimer, I believe these solutions are simply tools in our belt. Like all purpose-built tools, there is a specific time, place and use case for each. It’s important that you understand your unique needs. Let’s dive into a quick comparison!

Intro to Amazon Connect

We all know the struggle of finding the perfect solution to suit our unique needs. While there are many fantastic options out there, it's crucial to choose wisely. Building and supporting a customized solution in-house can be a great choice if you have a team of talented developers ready to work their magic. However, be warned that implementing and expanding functionality later on might become a perplexing puzzle without experienced experts by your side. And let's not forget about those pesky regulations like HIPAA, adding an extra layer of complexity to the mix. But fear not! With the right mix of creativity, expertise, and deverlopers, you can overcome any obstacle and create a an excellent customer experience.

Amazon Connect is a good solution if you have access to developers who will build and maintain the customized solution. Think of Amazon Connect as a box of Legos without instructions. You will be given the tools, but you are responsible for building and supporting the solution for the lifetime of the experience. You can certainly pay for a third-party to build this on your behalf, but you’ll also need to account for implenting and expanding functionality later on, because technology and needs always evolve. In short, you better have a team of developers who know Amazon.

Consumption Pricing

CCaaS solutions are contracted for a set price per person, often referred to as a “seat.” For the sake of simple math, let’s say you have 100 agents and you sign a 36 month agreement with a CCaaS company at a rate of $100 per month per seat. That means your monthly bill will be $10,000 (taxes & fees not included). This creates a simple, predicatable billing model. It’s much easier for your team to create a long-term budget under this consumption pricing. The downside is you will be required to sign a multi-month agreement, with 36 months being the most popular.

Quick Tip - The longer the terms, the lower the rate you can negotiate with CCaaS providers.

Amazon Connect has a completely different consumption pricing model. While Gartner has raised a cautionary flag regarding Amazon's CCaaS offering and its consumption-based pricing, it's important to note the potential challenges of this "pay as you go" model. To truly grasp the total cost of ownership (TCO), organizations need a solid understanding of their contact volumes. This ensures that the consumption-based pricing aligns with their needs and budget. It's like diving into the deep end of the pool without knowing if you can swim! So, be mindful and consider your contact volumes carefully to avoid any budgetary surprises. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to making informed decisions about your customer experience strategy.

Quick Tip - The average price per month for Amazon Connect is $150, which is on par or higher than the leading CCaaS offerings. The $150 a month rate per agent does not include development or support costs.

While this model may seem enticing for startups or small to mid-sized businesses, it's crucial to consider the unique needs of more established enterprises. One challenge that often arises is the difficulty of budgeting for variable costs. As businesses grow, predictability becomes a key factor in financial planning. Having fluctuating costs can create uncertainty and make it challenging to allocate resources effectively. That's where exploring alternative pricing models, such as fixed or subscription-based options, can provide the stability and predictability needed to align your customer experience goals with your budgetary needs. By understanding the specific requirements of your organization and exploring pricing models that suit your business's stage of growth, you can strike a balance between delivering exceptional customer experiences and maintaining a predictable budget.

Quick Tip - You can review customer reviews via Gartner Peer Insights here. These Peer Reviews offer a much more transparent view into a supplier, while Gartner has been accused of bias in the past.

Contact Center migrations are long and complex. It’s crucial that you understand the consumption and billing model before taking the leap. You’ll likely be stuck for a while if you transition only to realize the billing is out of control. This is where we can help; we can perform a Contact Center Readiness Assessment that helps your organization predict the billing of contact center solutions. As a value add, we’ll offer that service for free. If you’d like to take advantage, hit this link. 

Deployment Timelines

We’ve already discussed the costs associated with building out an Amazon Connect environment, which includes development, implementation and ongoing support/maintenance. We’ve sufficiently covered costs, so let’s move on the timelines.

The time it takes for an organization to purchase and build an Amazon Connect environment can vary depending on several factors. These include the size and complexity of the organization, the availability of resources (product owners and internal developers), and the specific requirements for customization and integration.Ultimately, the timeline for purchasing and building an Amazon Connect environment is influenced by the organization's specific circumstances and requirements. By approaching the implementation with careful planning and leveraging available resources, organizations can optimize the timeframe and successfully deploy their Amazon Connect solution.

With that being said, on average it takes 6-18 months for an organization to begin utilizing Amazon Connect after the initial purchase is complete and you gain access to the environment. I should note that six (6) months is an aggresive timeline and assumes that you have resources on the bench who can immediately begin working. I would estimate 12-18 months for most organizations.

With CCaaS solutions, the timeline is much faster. This is because you’re buying a holistic solution that’s already built, which means you don’t need a team of developers. Deployments for CCaaS solutions can go as quickly as five (5) weeks from contract signature to go-live. On average, I see these deployments take three (3) months.

On average, the deployment process for a CCaaS solution can range from a few weeks to a few months. This timeframe typically includes activities such as solution configuration, agent and supervisor training, setting up routing and queueing, integrating with CRM or other systems, and conducting testing and quality assurance.

It's important to note that the actual deployment time can be influenced by the organization's preparedness, availability of resources, and the level of complexity involved in migrating from existing systems. Engaging with experienced implementation teams, conducting thorough planning and scoping, and having clear communication with the CCaaS provider can help streamline the deployment process. This is where we can help. As a value-add, we’ll help prepare you for this journey by providing requirements, a roadmap and an additional layer of project management to ensure suppliers stay on target.

Channels & Additional Products Required

Let's take a closer look at Amazon Connect and its channel offerings. While Amazon Connect boasts voice and web chat as their main channels, it's important to note that fully integrated channels may not be their strong suit. Unlike dedicated CCaaS suppliers, Amazon Connect's omnichannel capabilities may fall short.

When it comes to email and video channels, Amazon Connect requires additional components. To leverage video capabilities, you'll need to explore the Chime SDK product alongside Amazon Connect. While this integration can extend your communication options, it's important to consider the complexity and potential additional costs involved.

For organizations seeking a comprehensive omnichannel experience, it may be beneficial to explore dedicated CCaaS providers. These suppliers offer seamless integration across multiple channels, ensuring a unified and consistent customer experience. Whether it's voice, web chat, email, video, or even emerging channels like social media, CCaaS solutions have the edge in providing a holistic approach.

By choosing a CCaaS provider, you can leverage their expertise in delivering fully integrated omnichannel capabilities, allowing you to engage with customers across various touchpoints effortlessly. So, assess your organization's omnichannel requirements, weigh the pros and cons, and select the solution that aligns best with your customer experience goals. This is where we can help. We’ll help you document your unique requirements, such as integrations, and map that to the solution that’s right for you.

While Amazon Connect provides native support for voice, chat, and "tasks," it's essential to note that other digital channels require additional integration with a CRM or third-party tool. Think of Amazon Connect as a set of Legos, where you can build your desired contact center experience.

However, it's important to highlight that even seemingly basic features, such as Voicemail, may require additional AWS products, each with its own associated costs. This modular approach allows for flexibility but also necessitates a careful evaluation of the full solution's scalability and associated expenses.

Quick Tip - Document your required features in advance so you can predict your costs with Amazon Connect. You’ll likely need numerous additional AWS products.

For midmarket and enterprise accounts aiming for a comprehensive customer engagement suite, exploring alternative options may be beneficial. Dedicated CCaaS providers offer a wider array of built-in digital channels, reducing the need for extensive integrations and multiple tools. With these solutions, you can seamlessly incorporate channels like email, SMS, social media, and more, without the need for additional CRM or third-party integrations.

By choosing a CCaaS provider, you can streamline your contact center operations, simplify administration, and ensure a consistent customer experience across multiple channels. So, assess your organization's specific channel requirements, consider the trade-offs, and select a solution that aligns with your customer engagement goals. Let's build a contact center experience that exceeds expectations!


Let's dive into the chatbot capabilities of Amazon Connect and CCaaS suppliers. While Amazon Connect offers chatbot features through LEX, brace yourself for some heavy customization work on your end. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure novel, where your team becomes the hero navigating the intricacies of chatbot setup. Unlike some CCaaS options that offer a simpler setup out of the box for your initial chatbot release, Amazon Connect requires a bit more tinkering to unleash its full potential. So, if you're up for the challenge and have a team of customization rockstars ready to roll, Amazon Connect can be your creative playground. However, if you prefer a chatbot experience that's more plug-and-play, exploring CCaaS suppliers' offerings might be your cup of tea. They can provide a simpler setup process, allowing you to hit the ground running with your chatbot adventures. Remember, it's all about finding the right fit for your organization's chatbot aspirations.

Anaylitics & Reporting

CCaaS suppliers bring to the table out-of-the-box analytics and reporting that are as powerful as a superhero's punch. They offer a treasure trove of data-driven insights, neatly packaged and ready for your consumption. But wait, there's more! The real game-changer lies in the ability to customize these reports without needing a resident technical genius. Say goodbye to the days of waiting for an elusive expert to sprinkle their magical coding skills on your reports. With CCaaS, you can be the master of your reporting destiny!

Now, let's take a peek at Amazon Connect's reporting prowess. Picture this: creating excellent reporting akin to crafting a masterpiece. It's an art form that requires skill, precision, and a touch of specialization. Generating this content can be a labor-intensive endeavor, as it involves weaving through a web of complexities. But fear not, for Amazon Connect holds the key to unlocking insightful reporting, albeit with a dash of dedication and expertise.

So, dear data enthusiasts, when considering your reporting and analytics needs, weigh the convenience of out-of-the-box power and customizable freedom offered by CCaaS suppliers. Or, embark on the adventure of crafting your reporting masterpiece with Amazon Connect, knowing that it may require some extra effort.


CCaaS suppliers truly know how to bundle in world-class support for their solution, like wrapping a gift in a bow of assistance. One aspect that deserves a standing ovation is their ability to provide a single vendor to support and troubleshoot the full stack. From Workforce Management to Quality Management, Analytics to ACD/IVR (and more), they've got your back like a loyal sidekick.

Now, let's turn our attention to Amazon Connect, a mosaic of solutions pieced together like a puzzle. Imagine a superhero team, where each member brings their unique powers to the table. Amazon Connect is built with a variety of solutions, often involving numerous third-party suppliers, each with their own support methodologies and channels. It's like navigating a bustling marketplace, trying to find the right stall for each specific need.

So, dear troubleshooters and support seekers, when considering the support landscape, reflect upon the convenience of having a single vendor overseeing the entire CCaaS stack, ensuring a seamless experience. Or, prepare for the dynamic adventure of engaging with various suppliers within the Amazon Connect universe, each with their own unique support approaches.

That’s All!

While Amazon Connect offers high levels of customization, it comes with the responsibility of heavy resource utilization on your end. In contrast, CCaaS solutions provide a unified experience on a single platform, eliminating the need to integrate disparate Amazon solutions. With Amazon Connect, anticipate the necessity of training your team on multiple Amazon offerings, including Connect, DynamoDB, Lambda, Contact Center, Node.js, and more. Consider the trade-offs and choose a solution that aligns with your customization needs and resource availability.

In short, you need to decide if your organization wants to build or buy. If you’d like assistance with determing the best path for your company, we’re here to help. At no additional cost to your business we can help you craft the perfect solution that meets your requirements and takes your customer experience to the next level. Just hit this link and let’s get cookin’!

Y’all be good,



Reading Roundup September 2023


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