Company of one

By paul jarvis

This book is fantastic. If you’re interested in owning your business, owning your department, or just owning your job, give this a read. Paul Jarvis creates a nice balance of retaining work/life balance, while prioritizing mastery of one’s skills. By obtaining one, you get to dictate the other. Here are a few notes I walked away with…

Focus on making your business better, not bigger.

You can’t sacrifice customer experience in pursuit of revenue.

Your company’s purpose is more about your values and ethics than your business plan.

We need to be craftspeople, constantly improving our skills so we can serve our customers well and bring more value to the business.

Attention is currency. One of the greatest gifts I can give my business, during work hours, is my undivided attention. That is pure gold.

If you can learn to find your work fascinating, you will excel at it.

The best way to get a new customer is to make sure I serve the old ones well.

Shout out to the legend Daniel Majure, President of Last Mile Strategies, for the recommendation. He doesn’t miss.


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