What is an IVA?

Intelligent Virtual Assistants

Volumes Are Increasing

Contact Center volume has drastically increased since 2020, including omnichannelutilization increases. Voice still reigns supreme as the primary avenue to reaching your customers, but additional channels are rapidly growing. Organizations that have been slow to adopt new channels, such as chat or SMS, are limiting engagement with their most valuable resource - their customers. This is especially true of younger users.

Staffing Issues

Contact Centers historically struggle to retain agents. The turnover rates in this industry range from 30-45%. It should be noted that the pandemic and the great resignation elevated this rate. How can you possibly create a positive customer experience if your staff is turning over at such a high rate?

To make matters worse, wage increases have forced some organizations to do more with less. Does that sound like you?

Wait, there's more! Not only are agents turning over at a much higher rate, but there are fewer agents in the job market than there were prior to 2020.

To recap, agents are turning over at a rapid pace, there are fewer agents to replace them in the job market and they're more expensive to replace. Perfect!

How can you solve this pain-point?

Intelligent Virtual Assistants

Automation is the path forward. Surely you've utilized a clunky chatbot. Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVA) scale far beyond the wild-west versions of chatbot that lack intuitive design. Modern IVA solutions create a conversational tone that mimics humans and allows your customers to engage at higher rates and self-service.

As I mentioned, you've surely utilized a chatbot in the past. How is an IVA different than the traditional chatbot? The answer is AI (artificial intelligence), which continues to improve at a rapid pace and learns as you feed it more data. This allows the IVA to create tailored responses to your customers, by factoring in location, trends associated with that consumer and their past interactions and your knowledge-base.

Here are a few examples of the benefits you can expect:

  • Transition to Live Agents, including detailed notes of the interaction.

  • Seamless Integration Under a Single Pane of Glass, so you don't have to toggle between multiple apps.

  • Out-of-the-box IVAs or Custom Builds, which means your organization gets exactly what it needs on budget.

  • Quick Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, so your customers find information quickly, but you don't tie up an agent.

  • Automate Simple, Repetitive Tasks, such as password resets, order look-ups, scheduling, payments and more.

The Proof is in the Pudding

This saying originated in 17th century. The full saying is actually, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." Simply, the evidence of the value is best felt through experience. The best way for you to determine if an IVA is right for you is a tailored demo built on your requirements. If that sounds like you, let's map out your unique requirements and build a roadmap to improve your customer experience.

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