What this will be like

I loved pro wrestling as a kid. That’s not how you expected a newsletter about information technology to start. I grew up in a trailer park or adjacent to a trailer park for a fair portion of my life. I definitely believed wrestling was real. I recall the Stone Cold and Goldberg shirts on the clothes line, flying in the breeze of South Alabama mornings. I didn’t miss a Monday night show and I couldn’t wait to get off the bus so I could talk about what was happening with Hulkamania on Tuesday morning.

I naturally loved the dirt-sheets. Dirt-sheets were the underground newsletters that rose to prominence before social media gripped the world. The latest trends in the world of professional wrestling. We all like a scoop and I still love dirt-sheets to this day, although the form has changed. I want to bring that same fun vibe to my profession, which I also love.

Modernizing the IT Stack

This is what I do all day. I have years of experience taking clients to the cloud, in all forms. Are you trying to understand how you can better maximum your current IT environment? We’ll talk about that. Still got a bunch of premise-based gear? I’m very good at that stuff, too. Want to talk about fancy cloud optimization projects? Cool, we can do that too. You’ve been thinking about automation for some time but don’t know where to start? Let’s build a roadmap.

I’ll share very specific content at times, while remaining broad enough that my customers/clients remain anonymous. Many of the journeys will be told in narrative form, so it doesn’t feel like you’re reading a whitepaper (boring). This will not have the same professional vibe as a marketing slick or a LinkedIn Post. I’m going to tell a few jokes along the way and hopefully I can manage to inform you, occasionally.

I’ll talk about vendors/suppliers openly, while providing a broad brush strokes of the IT universe. You’ll occasionally see interviews with manufacturers and suppliers and I’ll attempt to ask relevant questions that I commonly see from end users.

Not a sales pitch

I personally love the classic hero’s journey. That framework resonates with each of us. Every major movie or book or story you’ve ever loved is based on that framework. Star Wars, The Princess Bride, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, The Iliad and the Odyssey (I can keep going). You get the idea.

I don’t want be the hero of this journey; that’s your job. I want to help you solve problems and inform, without the exchange feeling like you bought a used copier from one of the cast members of Glengarry Glen Ross. My job is to help you succeed and enable your business to grow.

While I would love to talk about a potential project with you, this content will not feel like a sales pitch. If a use case resonates with you, just holler at me.


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