Discipline is Destiny

by ryan holiday

I thoroughly enjoy Ryan Holiday’s work and the Stoic concepts that he presents. I personally find much wisdom in the writings of the Stoics and the practical implications it offers for daily living. At it’s core, the philosophy advocates for discipline as a guiding principle for success and joy.

A great Spartan king was once asked what the warrior-tribe of Spartans gained from their relentless systems and habits. He replied, “Freedom is what we reap from this way of life.” Holiday goes on to make the point that discipline is not a means of rejecting pleasure, but a mechanism for embracing it.

Holiday shares a German word that resonated with me — sitzfleisch. This word is now taped to my monitor in my home office, where I produce the bulk of my work. Sitzfleisch roughly translates to sit your butt in your chair until the work is done. There is no substitute for hard work and focus.

I’ll leave you with my favorite quote from the book and encourage you to snag a copy for yourself!

True masters of any profession dont care much about winning, money or fame. They’re interested in something bigger. It’s a battle against themselves.


March 2023 Reading Roundup


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