March 2023 Reading Roundup

A quick summary of helpful articles from the world of IT

Prepare Thyself for Layoffs

The world of Information Technology is known for layoffs. It's all to common for a seasoned veteran of our industry to experience layoffs, regardless of personal performance. In a stroke of luck, I was fortunate to experience a mass layoff of an entire regional office at my very first job in the world of IT. This helpful article from Lenny Rachitsky details practical steps you can take to note your accomplishments, build your network, and put yourself in the best position to land a meaningful job. You can read the complete list via Lenny’s Newsletter.

Using AI-generated Voice to Crack into Bank Accounts

Banks and credit unions often struggle with identity management and authentication for users/members. Integrating with their core banking solution is often tedious, while many operate on legacy platforms that are near end of life. As a result, few utilize MFA. This article details how AI-generated voice was used to “trick” the system of banks who use voice biometrics for authentication. You can read more via Motherboard.

NSA Surveillance Case is Dead

The NSA has stated that state secrets would be revealed if the case continues, which resulted in the Supreme Court declining to hear the case. As a result, a lower courts decision stands. You can read more via the Wall Street Journal.

The Game Changed

I’m sure you’re aware that Big Tech was recently deflated. Wallstreet once prioritized revenue growth at the expense of efficiency and profits. Now, Wallstreet demands profits with lower expenses. As a result, businesses are shuffling to adjust. You can learn more about Meta’s journey via Robinhood.

LA School District Breach Leads to Mental Health Records Being Released

The nation’s second largest school district, LAUSD, was the target of Vice Society ransomware that resulted in student’s mental health records being published on the dark web. This come on the heels of the school’s superintendant downplaying the severity of the attack. Is it time that we implement federal data protection laws? You can read more via The 74 Million.

Telehealth & Dataprivacy

A telehealth startup, Cerebral, sold personal and health data for 3.1 million of its patients to ad companies, such as Meta, Google, Facebook, and TikTok. This activity in the US, due to lack of data privacy laws. You can read more via TechCrunch.


CIOs concerns are now expanding to include environmental sustainability. Today, organizations recycle less than 10% of their IT hardware. Organizations should anticipate this emerging trend and the impact on their IT roadmap. You can read more via TechTarget.

Handle Data Like a Champ

This insightful article from Goldman Sachs CIO details the importance of properly handling and utilizing data. It can transform your business, if you let it. You can read more via Forbes.

They’re Coming for Our Veggies

The king of produce, Dole, recently halted production due to ransomware. The impacts of cyberattacks on our supply chain is alarming. You can read more via CNN.

White House Security Plan

One of the interesting components of the new plans in motion from the White House would hold software vendors liable if they fail to take reasonable steps to secure their solutions. Another interesting note is that the US Gov ranks our cybersecurity posture as poor. You can read more via TechTarget.

Ransom Demands are Declining

Mandiant and Crowdstrike have produced reports that indicate that total ransom demands are declining. They speculate that the recession also impacts ransomware attackers. You can read more via Wall Street Journal.

Energy and Communication Sectors Need Beefy Security

GAO (US Government Accountability Office), a new organization tasked by congressional committies and subcommitties to provide non-partisan information used to improve processes and infrasctrucure, recommends that the US energy grid and communications sector drastically improve its security posture. It’s about time these segments take steps to beef up their cybersecurity. You can read more via DarkReading.

Zuck Says In-Person Staff Are More Productive

This will surely cause a riot. The human-cyborg Mark Zuckerberg claims that Meta employees who work in-office simply get more done. Is this simply posturing from Zuckerberg or factual? You can read more via CNBC.

Vendor Risk Mitigation

The downfall of Silicon Valley Bank has caused IT leaders to reconsider their vendor landscape, which means creating backup plans. You can read more via Wallstreet Journal.

Dish Network is Staying Quiet

Dish disclosed a breach on February 28th. Since that time, their customers have been in the dark and still await answers. The fallout continues, while many wonder if their PI was impacted. Some customers still lack access to services from Dish and Boost Mobile. You can read more via TechCrunch.

SVB Cyber Fraud

Bad guys love to chase an ambulance. Be aware of a wave of SVB cybersecurity attacks. You can read more via DarkReading.

Rangling Cloud Expenses

This is a hot topic for 2023. Enterprise organizations are working to establish task forces to help control cloud spending, while looking for redundant services. This might be your first time hearing this, but you probably won’t save money by moving to the cloud. You can read more via Wallstreet Journal.

Where will Start-Up Find Cash?

Big Tech was thrown a curve ball in 2023 as investors pivoted from revenue growth to sustainable profitability. In the wake of that, we see tech-funding giant Silicon Valley Bank collapse. How will tech firms finding the funding they need to scale? You can read more via Forbes.

SMB & Cybersecurity

SMB companies struggle to find, hire and retain cybersecurity talent. They often do not have the budget nor insight necessary to locate the appropriate resources. Yet, SMB’s are at risk. You can read more via DarkReading.

Beef Up That Threat Intelligence

How mature is your threat intelligence maturity model? The answer to this question helps dictate which solutions are best suited for your organization. You can read more via Crowdstrike. 

No Warrant Required

In a recent hearing FBI director Christopher Wray admitted that the agency purchases location data, rather than seeking a warrant, in some cases. This is the first instance of the FBI admitting to these tactics. You can read more via Wired (subscription required).

Ring Doorbell Loophole

This reports shows that police issued a warrant for video content from a homeowner’s Ring doorbell, despite not being involved in the case. The homeowner is declaring government overreach. You can read more via Politico.

US Official’s Data Stolen

A recent breach in Washington DC could finally impact data privacy legislation, which is long overdue. This report shows that 54,000-170,000 individuals had their data stolen through the health insurance exchange. Those impacted include Senators and top Pentagon officials. You can read more via AP.


Practical Tips for Reducing IT Expenses


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